It was the best of was the worst of times.
My feelings about summertime are really something of ambivalence:
I love the weather/I don't like the extreme heat.
I love the flexibility of routines and schedules/I don't like the feeling of being disconnected or "out of control" with schedules.
I enjoy gardening and love the produce and yard/I don't like the weeding, pruning, etc.
I love going places and doing things with family/I don't like the challenges of PREPARING for those fun things.
As I write this I am realizing that all the things I love about summer are really worth the less pleasant parts that go along with them. I should also say...I think this current summer has been the best of recent years and yet, it involves sending four of our five children off into the world of adulthood, which for this Mom was particularly difficult. But what a wonderful whirlwind of life it's been. It's hard to believe that just one year ago all seven of us live together under one roof. Having four of these "kids" over the age of eighteen at that time, we could imagine and hope for the day when each would fly the nest (should we push them out?!) But little did we know they would each leave with happy hopes and dreams for a bright future within six short months of each other.
How it all began:
AARON 26 - January 2013 Aaron headed south for a new job opportunity working at The Green Polka Dot Box in Spanish Fork. He found an apartment within a few days and moved to Orem. I have loved seeing him go out and learn new things, gaining skill and confidence. And I always enjoy the occasional greeting, "Hi Mom, thought you might like to try_______ (insert any number of "green" foods)
CECILY 21 - We're Gettin' Hitched! Cecily and Caleb were married on June 15th and we had a most wonderful day with the event of their marriage and reception. Wow what a lot of work AND how wonderful. It's great to have them living nearby, just a few miles away. Far enough for independence near enough to see them often. Cec is an amazing new wife. I love seeing her navigate the roles of working woman, wife, chef, housekeeper and friend. She does it so well, with Caleb, the love of her life of course.
BRAD 19 - or rather...Elder Nye now. He has been hoping "they call me on a mission" for a long time. He was at BYU on a well earned running scholarship when the new missionary age guidelines were brought forth. He continued at BYU for the year, received his call to the France Lyon Mission and on June 26th he entered the Provo MTC. Today we received word from the mission office that he will serve in St-Etienne. He is so good and to say that he has grown a lot wouldn't begin to describe how hard he has worked and how much he's been blessed.
JACE 28 - We're Gettin' Hitched! Yes, Jace and McKenzie chose July 31st to join in marriage. We have been so happy to welcome McKenzie into our family. They are a so good to and for each other. I don't know of many couples who close on a home loan, buy a new car and get married all within a few days! (the car part was due to M's car accident which totalled the car and it was a necessity to get the car or they would not have been in the market at that time!) Congratulations you two athletes!
So that leaves the Lone Ranger Kid - LAUREN 13 She is not excited about all her siblings going on and leaving her behind. But she did say the other day, "Does't the youngest child always get spoiled? hint-hint. I daresay there may be a few trips and some quality parent time that may ease her burden! She also said, when asked by Jace if she would be okay when every one was gone (note:Mom and Dad are still around) with a sweet smile..."If they give me my peace" So, not much peace I guess, with dishes and dinner time with parents,etc., etc. She is my buddy and I love her dearly. And she has ballet.
Summer is nearing it's end, at least I am anticipating this as we prepare for school and the more quiet day-to-day life. I can say honestly that this summer has been the best. So much love and happiness, rolled up with some difficult moments. I wouldn't want it to be any different.